LB Coaching and Consulting

You simply don’t have the time to ‘do it all’ anymore.

…And that’s great news!

Because you know what that really means? YOU’RE GROWING.

(Or ready to grow!)

You’ve been seriously rocking it in your biz. Clients love your work. Your calendar is maxed out. You love what you do (at least most of it).


You’re also friggin’ exhausted. (Understatement.)

It feels like you’re so busy working for your clients that you don’t have the time, energy, or perspective to take a step back and look at YOUR business.

And this is all a sign you’ve reached the point where you can no longer afford to do everything yourself!

You might need to:

  • Hire (far less scary than it sounds)

  • Restructure or refine your offers

  • Add automation to your processes

  • Adjust your pricing

  • Change your messaging

  • All of the above

  • Something completely different

Unfortunately, most support at your level ONLY focuses on social media and visibility — but honestly, you need a much more holistic approach if you’re going to get to the next level and ENJOY the ride.

Hey, I’m Lauren, and I know all about what you’re going through.

Before I went into coaching and consulting, I worked in eCommerce as the Director of Marketing. I handled all the strategic relationships with out contractors and helped scale the business through these hires. This corporate experience gave me a fresh perspective when I moved into the online world.

I’ve scaled my business to multiple six-figures and have worked with dozens of companies growing from startups to six (even seven) figures businesses.

With such a diverse experience, I know exactly what speed bumps pop up at each stage of growth and how to meet you where you are with exactly what you need.

I LOVE uncovering opportunities for growth INSIDE a company. Finding the good stuff that owners are too close to see and providing a top-level approach that allows you to crush your goals AND give you the freedom to do what you love in your business (while taking a vacation once in a while too).

Instead of only focusing on your marketing strategy or visibility (like most support at this level), I’ll look into hiring, your offers, your profitability, how you’re spending your time, your pricing — ALL OF IT.

Essentially, I’ll help you create a strong and sustainable foundation and build from there.

I started this business because I believe service providers create a HUGE ripple effect across the world. We support clients; our clients support their clients, their clients support their clients…

…and that’s how we all RISE together.

Yes, a business is about earning money, but it’s also about helping people and creating something deeply meaningful for YOU.

It’s about changing more lives, doing what you love, increasing your impact, and giving back to the world in a significant way.

My mission is to help more female service providers scale without burning out so they can build a beautiful business and share their gifts more easily and FREELY with the world.

Let’s remove the friction so you can focus on the work you LOVE to do and the world NEEDS you to do.

If you’re an online service provider and you’re stuck at the high 5 and low 6-figure levels — let’s go to work!